14 May 2000 was my first visit to World Harvest Church (WHC). It was the obedience to the call of God that I stayed and decided to stay until I graduate to my eternal home.
In the early part of year 2001, someone passed me a book entitled “Digging the Wells of Revival” by Lou Engle. After reading, I came before the Lord surrendering myself that I want to be one of those who will dig the wells of revival that our spiritual forefathers had dug. In April 2001, very clearly the Lord spoke to me ‘give Me your next 10 years’ and I gave Him with much emotions. Soon after that, our Senior Pastor, Ps David called for 40-days fast and asked us to dedicate our next 10 years to the Lord because the ministry that the Lord entrusted to WHC will be in a long haul.
Exactly 10 years later, on April 7, the Holy Spirit rained down from heaven during our normal weekly Thursday night prayer. My prayer partner was caught up in the spirit and interceded for another nation. 2 days later, during our Vision Day, the Spirit of God overruled the whole meeting and I was brought into 3rd Heaven to swim in the river glory that flows from the throne room of God. After experiencing the river glory for that only one time, I was drunk for 2 weeks and I had to put aside many of my normal routines. Many times even when I just said grace before my meals, Jesus would come and I would eat my rice dutifully while fellowshipping with Jesus. Day after day, I pen down as much as I could of the dreams, visions and even thoughts that God dropped from heaven. I am not a good writer but for a 2 weeks-encounter, it was 20 pages full of spiritual notes! During these 2 weeks, I was 2 times transported to other nations to intercede. I was there with another church member fighting with the demonic stronghold holding that nation.
These powerful 2 weeks had stirred up a hidden gift in me which was given by God - receiving revelations by thoughts. I am not good in imagination and creative ideas but when thoughts came, I knew that it was from Him especially when it came as my first thought in the morning. One of the major thing that was restored in me was my identity in Christ - I was born from Heaven and live for Heaven, not born on earth and work for Heaven. There was a great shift in my thinking and perception about myself. This is the first thing that Jesus came personally to teach me. My spiritual eyes were opened and those points in the book “Supernatural Ways of Royalty” by Kris Vallotton became alive and they were as though literally speaking directly to me! Another great restoration was I am back to rule with my Father in Heaven! The Holy Spirit is a good Teacher. I had read the book “Destined to Reign” by Joseph Prince before this but I was not in full reign until my pauper mindset was washed away under the glory rain followed by the Holy Spirit’s help in recalling what I had read.
I am entrusted to take care of World Harvest Children Church. While I was still very much drunk in the spirit, the Spirit of God baptized the children personally. The Children Church leaders and I believe that the baptism of Holy Spirit is not for the children to experience and enjoy seeing visions or having dreams from God but it comes with empowering to do kingdom works.
Since then, we allocated more time for the children to have spiritual soaking after worship and at the end of every gathering; the children were ready to pray for one another. Most of the time, their prayers were directed by visions that God showed them. We used to explain truths with crafts for lessons. Usually, we needed to repeat few times to have the truths brought across to the children but now the demonstration of the power of God itself explain the truth! Children started to develop personal relationships with God, knowing we can only build relationship with things or persons who are alive. We cannot deny that craft-doing is an important tool in teaching lessons but the power and the Spirit of God are ‘zoe’ life from heaven!
Those 2 weeks were just the beginning of many great moves and encounters with God. In June, I was in Singapore attending a conference called Open Heaven Conference by James Goll. The Spirit of God moved mightily and I used to tell people that ‘I sat through the conference but either in my body or in my spirit I do not know’, meaning I was so drunk in the spirit. During the conference, I was once transported to another nation to intercede specifically for heavenly glory rain to come upon that nation for people to come to know Christ by personal glory encounters directly from heaven. On the second night, half way through the sharing, one of my church mates just jumped out of his seat when James Goll quoted the verse that our Senior Pastor had been preaching of- in the day of the latter rain ask for rain! Immediately the Spirit of God rested upon us and we were all crying, shaking and we were so hungry for revival.
Another hype of the year 2011 that I must highlight is the Asia Ablaze in August 2011. I fully agree that the deepest worship is from the heart, not that I did not believe before this but experiences spoke the loudest. I was very sick after the first session as my throat was badly infected until I had difficulty to even speak, with the additional flu. But the fire of revival was seeking for a hungry heart. In every session, I was shaking, crying or laughing! There was once I was shaking so vigorously that I almost hurt my church mate who sat next to me with my legs kicking up high in the air! (For your information, I am someone who always makes sure I am presentable especially in the public) In the spirit, I was warring with a demonic stronghold and kicking open the doors for the gospel in Asia!
Immediately after August, it was September-WHC Church Camp, another epic event of the year! This time, the Lord brought me to look into the spiritual realm to intercede for church members who were bound by demons and wounded in their emotions. There were great restorations and renewals of the mind as well as relationships were strengthened. I believe this prepared the army of God to launch into kingdom works in the spiritual frontier!
On 31 December 2011, some Menara Alpha peeps (A condominium where WHC houses our disciples into various discipleship homes to train revivalists) suggested to have a countdown beside the pool. Just before I left my house at 11.30pm, I heard this statement in my spirit- “2012 is the year of FULFILLMENT!” I amen with it and welcomed it with great joy and thankfulness in my heart! (It is still echoing very loud in me at the time I am writing this).
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